Be open ... (Vol 2 No 54)
Be open to the universe around us;
Be open to its fury and its charm,
To all the harmony and all the harshness,
Exposing us to love, pain, joy and harm.
Be open to the stirring of the Spirit
That prompts us say a word or do a deed;
The possibilities that may confront us
To build a bridge, give gifts, and sow a seed.
Be open to the need and pain of others;
Stand close beside the ones who know despair;
When fear and sadness fill the dark horizon,
Our prayers have meaning when we show we care.
Be open to our failure and wrong doing;
Confess our weakness and our stubborn way;
Be open to the spirit of correction;
To hear rebuke, the challenge not to stray.
Be open to our beauty and our value;
In God’s own image we are born to live;
Be open to a word of commendation
For times we love and care, for times we give.
Let us be open to the unknown future;
God is our partner in our joy and pain;
Be open to our living in God’s Spirit;
Let truth and peace abound; let hope sustain.
Tune O Perfect love AHB 526(ii) TiS 603
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