When somewhere someone (Vol 2 No 74)

The Kingdom of Love is coming because:

Somewhere, someone is kind when others are unkind;

Somewhere, someone shares with another in need;

Somewhere, someone refuses to hate, while others hate;

Somewhere, someone is patient – and waits peacefully;

Somewhere, someone returns good for evil;

Somewhere, someone serves another selflessly;

Somewhere, someone is calm in a storm;

Somewhere, someone is loving everybody.

Is that someone you?


The above is a prayer for a Sunday School curriculum book  -  Jesus and His Kingdom of Equals.


When somewhere someone proves they’re kind

While others still remain unkind,

Love’s Kingdom comes because of this,

Because of showing gentleness.


When somewhere someone does a deed

To help a person in their need,

Love’s Kingdom comes because of this,

And brings about some happiness.


If somewhere someone does not hate

When others only irritate,

Love’s Kingdom comes because of this;

Can stop a conflict; lead to peace.


When somewhere someone patiently

Waits calmly and quite peacefully

Love’s Kingdom comes because of this,

Can lead the way to restfulness.


When somewhere someone is the one

Returning good for evil done,

Love’s Kingdom comes because of this,

It turns around much hurtfulness.


Love’s Kingdom keeps arriving when

We serve each other once again;

If somewhere someone loves anew;

Can that somewhere someone be you?

Tune  Church Triumphant  AHB 1(i),64,299  TiS 98,376
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