
Artist Statement

Describe: The subject of my artwork is a hallway in Freeport high school. I used a pencil, eraser, and ruler to make it. I did it this way because we were all drawing perspective. The drawing is centered.

Analyze: The drawing is centered with leading lines leading to the center of the doors. I changed the lockers a lot because they kept looking wrong. I also tried to add some small details to make it more realistic.

Evaluate: The meaning of the artwork was to practice perspective and drawing from life. The class sat on the floor of the hallway and drew what we saw. It relates to my life because this is a hallway I walk through basically everyday but drawing it made me focus on the little things I never realized. I think I could've traced over the pencil lines to make them darker and started it more based on what i actually saw versus what i thought it was supposed to look like.