
Artist Statement

For the circle project we could make anything, but we had to incorporate a circle. I decided to make a series of 3 girls, I tried to make them look different with individual features. I thought a good way to unite the series would to give each of them circular cheeks with the three primary colors. I made the pieces with canvas and acrylic paint. I traced the circles with a photography light, it was actually kind of hard to find the right size circle so I felt pretty lucky that I found the light. I struggled a bit with how I wanted to frame the paintings because I had already decided to cut them out into circles. I ended up putting them on square foam board because cutting the foam board into circles was too hard and my project was already late. I executed this project in this specific way because I really like drawing people (but I want to branch out and try other things too) and there isn't really a very obvious message behind it, but I just wanted to show different kinds of beauty and I liked the idea of the primary colors to tie it in together.