Advanced Studio Art









Dec.6. 19



Semester 1 Reflection

This semester of Advanced Studio Art has been really fun and challenging. I've successfully explored new materials like digital art which I've been curious about for a long time. I've tried realistic art with colored pencils on my Duck Stamp project and used paint sticks on my Bummer Bangs piece. I think I've also been successful in trying different art styles and experimenting while I discover what mine is. I've also struggled in the class. I've had a hard time making projects that I really like and feel proud of. And as always, time management has been hard and since it's faster paced, I've turned in a lot of projects late. Digital art was also a big learning project for me and I struggled a lot trying to figure everything out because it's like relearning how to do art. The sustained investigation was also challenging, but very exciting. Finding an interesting question and thinking creatively about it was hard and fun.

My goals for the second semester are to push my thinking in my sustained investigation. I want to explore the question of imperfections more and if I decide I don't really like it I think I might change my question. I also want to try more digital art and maybe watch videos on how to make it look more advanced. I will also try to turn things in on time and to make art that I'm really proud of. I'm excited for the next semester!











Final Reflection

Advanced Studio Art was mostly based around developing a Sustained Investigation, but there were a few other projects sprinkled in. Creating my own focus in my Sustained Investigation really pushed my creative thinking because it wasn't just like creating a new idea every time because they all needed to answer my overall topic/question. It was very challenging, but I liked thinking about imperfections in so many different perspectives. Some of our other projects were competitions like the Doodle for Google or Donate Life which were really fun for me because they were both explorations into digital art. One of my favorite other projects was the response to Covid-19 because it was really timely and I learned a lot about the pandemic right now through looking at other people's art.

I think I have been successful in developing somewhat of a style which I've always struggled with. I experimented with realistic, digital, prints, watercolor, and acrylics. I discovered that I like color and that I don't like acrylic as much as I used to. Trying different materials introduced me to many different ways to do studio art. I do think I can keep pushing my materials because although they were new to me they are still pretty traditional art materials and I'd like to push my comfort zone more and learn how to tie my material into my subject. One of the other areas I can work on is putting more time into certain pieces because it always shows when I didn't spend as much time on a piece and I end up not liking the finished product.

My art goals for the future are to continue to create and I hope to try college classes in digital art, photography, and videography. I'd like to explore other art forms other than studio art. This year was really fun and I hope to keep making art!