school closure plan

Assignment 1

Students should continue to practice the song Amazing Grace on the recorders. You can find the notes for the song on this link from the google classroom. For students that are still struggling with the notes by type, I've attached a document with the types of notes to help you read the rhythm. Try to read the names of the notes by yourself (without the scale below). Learn how to play the song though the process (read the rhythm, then rhythm with names of notes, then find positions on the recorder with rhythm, and last part is to play) Do each step at least 3 times without mistake before you play.

Please ask your parents to make a video of you playing the song and upload it to me in this folder , so I can asses. Don't forget to count the beat while playing.

Assignment 2

Here is a new song for you to learn (with one class we started learning the song). The song is “This old man”. Here is a link to the notes, print them or copy them so you don't need to look at a screen and so you can write the names of the notes. If you need help you can use the types of notes and the scale I sent you for the previous song.

Please follow the process of learning a song on the recorder. (each step at least 3 times without mistake. If you make a mistake - do it again)

1.Read the rhythm

2.Read the rhythm with the names of the notes

3.Find the notes on the recorder and practice the song (on chin)

4. With a gentle breath, play a nice melody :)

You don’t have to play the melody the first day! Just practice reading the rhythm correctly, be sure you are doing step 3 good, then move to step 4.

IMPORTANT: in this song, instead of TI (or SI) you need to play TI - flat (si-flat). the sign on the beginning of each row after the treble cleff means that each time you have that note ("ti" in this case) should be played differently. The symbol is called flat and it is used for the black keys on the piano.

Here is a chart of how you play the notes from this song.

Please ask your parents to make a video of you playing the song and upload it to me in this folder

Tempo 02.04.2020

You can find a lesson about the different names for tempos here, an introduction to the device called metronome and bpm. This document is art of the google classroom that students use.

When done reading the lesson and listening to the songs, students need to find popular songs (choose your own genre: pop, rock, classical, jazz...) in different tempos and send me the links using the new words to tell the tempo.

Music Genres 21.04.2020

There are a lot of music genres, you have probably heard about some or most of them. Today I want you to listen to all of these songs and on the attached document write your answers. I made a selection of 10 music genres. There are no right or wrong answers, it's just about what you think is characteristic about each style, each genre. Listen to each WHOLE song, you don't need to finish at once, maybe listen to 5 today, and the other 5 in a couple of days, or tonight :)

Next week we will talk about each genre a bit more.

1.Metal - Crazy train Ozzy

2.Techno - Darude - Sandstorm

3.Jazz - Miles Davis - So what

4.Country - Willie Nelson - Mammas don’t let..

5.Blues - B.B.King - The thrill is gone

6.Reggae - Bob Marley - Three little birds

7.Classical - Bobby McFerrin - Ave Maria

8.Rock - AC/DC - TNT

9.Rap - Kris Kross - Jump

10.Swing - Benny Goodman - Sing sing sing

30.04 Music Genres

This week is an informative read about the different genres. You can find the complete lesson here.

7.05 Music genres

This weeks homework is to . . . . watch the movie TROLLS ON A WORLD TOUR :) and then fill in the assignment.

There are a lot of songs in the movie from different genres, and if you can't find the movie you can listen to the songs - the links are on the document, just click on the name on the song. And don't worry if your guess is not absolutely correct, I will not count right or wrong answers, just try your best.

12.05 Canon and notes

Canon is a music form of a song in which there is more than one group or one voice. So there are two or more groups, singing or playing the same melody but they start at a different time, and even though they didn’t start together they sound good together - they are making a nice harmony. Not all songs can be sung like that, only songs that are written as a canon. A canon is a music for where 2 or more voices are singing or playing the same melody but they start at a different time and they make a nice harmony.

One of the most popular canons is “Row, row row your boat”. Watch this video where you can see very clearly what singing in a canon sounds like. The canon part starts at 1:20.

The song that you should learn for the recorder is a canon. You cannot play a canon by yourself, but once you have learned it, you will send me a recording of yourself playing it and I will make a video for the canon. Those of you who don’t have the recorder will learn to sing the melody. Until then go through the first two steps (reading rhythm, rhythm with the names of the notes). SEND ME A VIDEO READING THE RHYTHM WITH THE NAMES OF THE NOTES, OR PLAYING IT SLOWLY ON A RECORDER.

Here are the notes.

Make a video playing the canon song for recorders

All students need to make a recording of the canon song. If you can play it on a recorder send me a video of that, if you cannot play it on a recorder send me a video of you singing the melody like on this voice recording.

The song needs to be in 80 BPM so please play the video of a metronome while you are making the video. You can listen to the clicking of a metronome on headphones. If you are singing the melody play the voice recording on your headphones.

Practice a couple of times before you make the video so there are no mistakes.

Good luck :)

Make your version of a song

The final assignment for this year will be to make your version of a song. Now that you are familiar with different music genres, you can choose which kind of music is most suitable for your feelings. Think about what you would like to write a song about and which style of music would sound best to express yourself. Choose a song and find an instrumental/karaoke version, listen to the refrain and think how you can change the lyrics with your own. Make it about whatever you feel like: about staying home, corona-virus, love, life, your pet, school, or just how you feel.

Write YOUR lyrics for at least one refrain - but if you feel like writing more you can do a verse and refrain. Play the music and try to sing your words to the song, make some adjustments if you need to. When you are happy with the song, make a video, attach it and turn it in google classroom. (if it is too big, upload it on drive and then attach it)

Enjoy your creativity!