Grade 4

Art idea: Still life

Art elements: Value, Shape, colors

Art materials: Paper, pencil and markers

Due date: 03.06.2020


A still life painting is a piece that features an arrangement of inanimate objects as its subject. Usually, these items are set on a table and often include organic objects like fruit and flowers and household items like glassware and textiles.

Step 1: Sketch with pencil-Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing (only pencil and any size paper)


Step 2: Draw

Step 3: Color

Step : Outline with black marker

Remember! We study, we do not seek perfection ... give yourself time and slowly!!!!

Grade 4

Art idea: Value – Still life

Art elements: Value

Art materials: Paper and pencil

Due date: 27.05.2020


A still life painting is a piece that features an arrangement of inanimate objects as its subject. Usually, these items are set on a table and often include organic objects like fruit and flowers and household items like glassware and textiles.

Value is a basic element of art that refers to the gradual change of lightness or darkness of a color. It is an important tool for the designer/artist, in the way that it defines form and creates spatial illusions. Contrast of value separates objects in space, while gradation of value suggests mass and contour of a contiguous surface.

Step 1: Draw-Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing (only pencil and any size paper)


Remember! We study, we do not seek perfection ... give yourself time and slowly!!!!

Grade 4

Lesson plan 6

Art idea: Futurist art – Giacomo Balla

Art elements: Line, shape, space, color

- Movement through pattern, size, and overlapping

Art materials: Paper, color pencil, markers, crayons, soft pastel, water color, tempera (whatever you have at home)

Due date:10.05.2020/ Sunday

Intro to futurism art:

Step 1: Watch the video to get to know the artist and his work- Giacomo Balla


Step 2: Develop your sketch- The Appearance of Movement

You can draw anything you like that present movement by using size, pattern and overlapping or create an art work “Street Light” by Giacomo Balla

“Street Light” by Giacomo Balla

Step 3: Coloring process

Here are some examples, ideas !

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 4

Lesson plan 5

Art idea: Futuristic city - Cityscape

Art elements: Line, shape, space, color

Art materials: Paper, color pencil, markers, crayons, soft pastels (whatever you have at home)

Due date:26.04.2020/ Sunday


Students explore factors that will influence the future needs of their city and then create project of an environmentally sound city of the future. Before making plans for a community, you need to know and keep in mind many important factors and information. You need to find out where people live, how many people use the streets, highways, water, sewers, schools, libraries, museums, and parks. Students are able to identify and prioritize the services and amenities that affect a city and address real problems a city faces, such as traffic, pollution, waste disposal, and transportation options.

Lesson plan:

Step 1: Sketch


Order is the arrangement and organization of elements to help solve visual and functional problems.

Balance is the creation of visual harmony through the use of color and the manipulation of form.

Nature is a model for architectural forms and shapes.

Symbolism is an important means of visual communication for architecture.

Sustainable design of the built environment protects the natural environment.

Climate and the natural environment influence design decisions.

Social structure, culture, and the built environment have a direct influence on one another.

Architecture satisfies emotional and spiritual needs in addition to physical needs.

Past, current and future technologies influence design decisions.

Step 2: Drawing and coloring

Here are some examples, ideas !

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 4

Lesson plan 4

Art idea: Greek Theater Mask- Part 3

Art elements: Line, shape, positive/ negative space, and color

Art materials: Paper, color pencil, markers, crayons, soft pastel (whatever you have at home)

Due date:12.04.2020/ Sunday

Lesson plan:

Step 1: Coloring process- Markers (for the masks)

Students who have not used colored paper should color the masks. How? You will needs to use cold and warm colors. Cold colors: green, blue, purple. Warm colors: yellow, red and orange.

On both masks, one half of the face should be colored warm, and the other half of the face should be colored cold color. Be careful!!!! For example ... if you use red and green colors, the part of the face that is green, the half of the nose, one eye and the part of the lip will be red and opposite on the other half of the face!

For both masks use two different colors.

Step 2: Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing.

Video: from 6:30

No! The paper where you will glue the masks does not need to be black. It can be any color. If you don't have a large enough paper, you can stick two or three papers together. You can even use cardboard. Once you have glued the masks, you start with the background. Play with the line and the size of the form (it doesn't have to be circle). Make sure the line is nicely drawn, that you know where it starts and ends. The material is of your choice, just to be visible!

Grade 4

Lesson plan 3

Art idea: Greek Theater Mask- Part 2

Art elements: Line, shape, positive/ negative space, and color

Art materials: Paper, color pencil, markers, crayons, soft pastel (whatever you have at home)

Due date:4.04.2020/ Sunday


Greek theaters were very large, and while they were built to amplify sound it wasn't always easy to see the actors. In order for the audience members to be able to tell what emotion the actors had they used exaggerated masks. Known as masks of comedy and tragedy.

Lesson plan:

This project as a whole will last for three weeks. In the second week (30.3-4.04) - Part 2, the student is required to make a sketch following the instructions in Video. In this process of creation, the student colors nothing. We're just working on a sketch drawing, cutting and gluing!

Step 1: Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing

- if you have color paper use it, if not use white paper that we will eventually color it and of course any dimension of paper

Video: till 6:20 min.

If you did the tragedy mask with the sad face expression for the first week, now you are repeating the same process but making a comedy mask with a smile!

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 4

Lesson plan 2

Art idea: Greek Theater Mask- Part 1

Art elements: Line, shape, positive/ negative space, and color

Art materials: Paper, color pencil, markers, crayons, soft pastel (whatever you have at home)

Due date:29.03.2020/ Sunday


Greek theaters were very large, and while they were built to amplify sound it wasn't always easy to see the actors. In order for the audience members to be able to tell what emotion the actors had they used exaggerated masks. Known as masks of comedy and tragedy.

Lesson plan:

This project as a whole will last for three weeks. In the first week (23-29.3) - Part 1, the student is required to make a sketch following the instructions in Video. In this process of creation, the student colors nothing. We're just working on a sketch drawing, cutting and gluing!

Step 1: Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing

- if you have color paper use it, if not use white paper that we will eventually color it and of course any dimension of paper

Video: till 6:20 min.

Parents can send me the photo of the finished art project by March, 29th. Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 4

Art idea: Negative and Positive space

Art elements: space, line, shape

Art materials: pencil, color pencils or markers

Art technique: Drawing

Negative space is essentially the space surrounding an object, figure, or form. This can be the space in an actual place but typically refers to the space in an artwork. Positive space refers to the object, figure, or form that exists within the negative space and is typically what young artists want to concentrate on. Understanding the importance of representing both positive and negative space in an artwork and learning to “see” negative space helps artists to create fuller artistic pieces with greater balance and depth.

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing


Required materials :

- Drawing paper: drawing sketch book any size or A4 format printing paper

-Pencil, color pencil, markers

Step 1: make a sketch with a pencil

Step 2: develop to drawing by pressing with pencil and add details

Step 3: color with, color pencil or markers (pay attention not to go out of line, not to live white space and to keep one direction)

Step 4: finish the coloring and outline the shapes with black marker or black color pencil

1.Class/ 1h or 50min

Start sketching. Follow step by step instructions.

2.Class/ 1h or 50min

Finish up sketching.

Follow step by step instructions.

3.Class/ 1h or 50min

Start coloring or shading- depends on the materials that you have in your home.

4.Class/ 1h or 50min

Finish up with coloring.

Parents can send me the photo of the finished art project by Friday 20th. Please email me the photo of the finished art project or upload on Google Classroom.

Learning Goals & Objectives

1. Understand and use the language of art: the elements of art and principles of design.

- Understand and apply negative shapes/forms and positive shapes/forms in a work of art.