
Ms. Ana Josifovska

Visual Art Teacher

Grade: K-5

Meeting room: EMS 313


Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse

What really matters to me and is my expectation that all students will do their personal best in art class. Very often I hear comments from students that they are not good in art. It is really important for students to understand that being a “good artist” is not only because of talent, but that being a “good artist” means that you are maximally committed to art class and love the challenges. What is necessary is a good attitude, a willingness to try new things, good listening skills, good teamwork skills, and a sense of exploration and curiosity to individually meet project requirements. Art provides the opportunity for students to experience a different atmosphere from the standard classroom settings. It can be fun, relaxing, hands-on, messy, exciting, social, and many other potentially new and sometimes out of the ordinary experiences. Students will develop an understanding of the basics of Art Theory, and use different media techniques. However, it also comes with a set of different rules that must be followed:

· Safety: listen, follow instructions and think before you use any art materials

· Respect…everything: fellow classmates, the teacher, the facility, materials, equipment

· Clean up messes: even if you did not make them! Be a community contributor

· Follow directions, participate positively!

· Relax and enjoy it: nothing is perfect…especially art.