School Closure Plan- Grade 5

Dear Parents, We inform you that 5th grade should use the Google Classroom Site so that we can stay in touch with the students. То each student is sent an invitation to be accepted so they can follow the instructions and of course so that we can communicate online. For all the information you need, please feel free to contact us by email:

Grade 5

Art idea: Perspective

Art elements: Line, shape, space (vanishing point)

Art principle: Emphasis

Art materials: pencil, color pencils or markers

Art technique: Drawing

Rules of perspective: true shapes, vanishing points and horizon lines

In one point perspective, surfaces that face the viewer appear as their true shape, without any distortion. They are drawn using primarily horizontal and vertical lines.

Key Points:

  • Surfaces that face the viewer are drawn using their true shape
  • Surfaces that travel away from the viewer converge towards a single vanishing point


Drawing rectangular blocks is often the first one point perspective lesson given to students. It is a simple exercise that provides a solid foundation for things to come.

This worksheet explains how to draw a cube in one point perspective and takes you through drawing these above, below and in line with the horizon line. It introduces the importance of line weights and highlights the effect of positioning objects in relation to the horizon line.

By the completion of this exercise, you should be able to:

  • Use appropriate line weights (light lines for construction lines; dark lines for outlines)
  • Position a vanishing point and horizon line correctly
  • Understand that:
    • Objects above the horizon line are drawn as if you are looking up at them (you see the bottom of the object)
    • Objects below the horizon line are drawn as if you are looking down at them (you see the top of the object)
    • Objects that are neither above nor below the horizon line are drawn as if you are looking directly at them (you see neither the top or the bottom of the object)

This information is demonstrated in the video tutorial below:

Assignment is in the video link :

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing.



1.Class/ 1h or 50min

Start sketching. Follow step by step instructions.

  • Send it to the Art-teacher for check up!

2.Class/ 1h or 50min

Finish up sketching.

Follow step by step instructions.

  • Send it to the Art-teacher for check up!

3.Class/ 1h or 50min

Start coloring or shading- depends on the materials that you have in your home.

Individual choice. No restrictions on color palet.

  • Send it to the Art-teacher for check up!

4.Class/ 1h or 50min

Finish up with coloring.

  • Send it to the Art-teacher for check up!

  • Upload as finished work and prof in Google classroom
