Grade 1

Art idea: Symmetry Name Project

Art element: Line, Color and shape

Art materials: crayons and markers


Something is symmetrical when it is the same on both sides. A shape has symmetry if a central dividing line (a mirror line) can be drawn on it, to show that both sides of the shape are exactly the same.

Lesson plan:

Students will create original artwork and manipulate images to demonstrate understanding of line symmetry.

Step 1: Fold the paper and write your name.

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your project.


Step 2: Playing with lines and pattern develop the drawing

Step 3: Coloring process

Step 4: Outline with black crayons

A few ideas:

Grade 1

Lesson plan 8

Art idea: Still Life - Paul Cézanne

Art element: Line, Color and Shape

Art materials: Water colors, tempera, soft pastels, crayons


Observational drawing is drawing what you see. It can be a flower, a person, a still life, a landscape, whatever. With this project we will study still life. A still life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which are either natural (food, flowers, dead animals, plants, rocks, shells, etc.) or man-made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewelry, coins, pipes, etc.).

Lesson plan:

When we look at something with the intent of drawing it, we tend to look more carefully than usual. We see, truly see, the shapes, the patterns, the colors, the shadows, the outline, and how all of the details interact.

Step 1: Sketch the overall form loosely, and as large as possible, on the paper.

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your project.


Step 2: Coloring process (Paint/Color your project with what colors you want and with materials you have at home)

Step 3: Outline with black marker

Grade 1

Lesson plan 7

Art idea: Numbers art

Art element: Line, shape and color

Art materials: Paper and any art materials you have at home

Lesson plan:

This art activity focuses on the shape of numbers. It is simple and fun way that encourages memorization.

Watch the video first. Choose a number and take your drawing. Use the whole paper!

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your project.


Grade 1

Lesson plan 6

This week I want you to relax and enjoy artistic tricks. Follow the instructions in the attached video. Enjoy!:)

  • The process is fun and open-ended
  • It’s easy to do
  • It’s the kind of activity that kids want to do over and over again
  • Plus, the end result looks pretty great, too
  • Art materials: a container of water, markers and toilet paper

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your project.


Paul Klee

Paul Klee Citycsape

Grade 1

Lesson plan 5

Art idea: Paul Klee - Cityscape

Art element: Color (Primary and Secondary colors) and shape

Art materials: Markers and collage (newspapers and/or magazines)

Due date: 26.04.2020/Sunday


Paul Klee (1879-1940) was Swiss-German. He created many of his paintings at home on his kitchen table, which is why they are all relatively small. He is now considered one of the most inventive artists of the 20th Century. Paul Klee loved experimenting and exploring colors and loved using colour to express how he felt or tell a story in his paintings. He loved using watercolours, but tried out all sorts of different mediums – oil paints, ink, pastels, pen, etching – often combining them to see how they worked together. He loved to experiment and was very inventive in his work. Paul Klee was also very musical.

Lesson plan:

In this art lesson, we will learn about colors. Color theory is all about learning to mix existing colors to form new colors! Students will identify primary and secondary colors, and understand color mixing.

1. Primary colors. These are red, blue, and yellow. Primary colors cannot be made by mixing any other colors.

2. Secondary colors. The secondary colors purple, orange, and green can be made by mixing together two primary colors.

Watching colors mix is one thing. But playing with messy items while mixing colours with your bare hands? That’s just pure, unhindered fun. Here are some activities for you to try out!

Step 1: Create backgrounds for your Paul Klee art

As Paul Klee really enjoyed exploring colour – and how colours mix and blend into each other, we will start with the background where we will study the primary and secondary colors.

Art materials: paper (any size), plastic bag and markers

Watch the video to see the technique. However, since we are studying the basic colors, you will need to pay attention to the choice of colors. First, you only need to use two primary colors on the bag to get the secondary color when mixing on paper.


Yellow+ blue= green

Yellow+ red= orange

Blue+ red= purple

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your project.


Step 2: Cut out shapes for your city

Art materials: newspaper or magazines, glue

After the background has dried, we continue cutting the shapes from newspaper or magazines that will represent the buildings.

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your project.


Step 3: Glue buildings & houses onto paper

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 1

Lesson plan 4

Art idea: Spring

Art element: Space

Art materials: Pencils, Colored pencils, Markers, Crayons or Water color, paper (any size)

Due date: 12.04.2020/Sunday

Flowers, flowers, everywhere! With spring comes so many beautiful blossoms around our town. Why not bring them inside our homes!:)

We pay attention to:

Space- In terms of art, space is the area around, above, and within an object.

Overlapping - occurs when objects that are closer to the viewer prevent the view of objects that are behind them.

Placement on the paper - Objects placed higher within the picture plane will appear further away.

Size - Objects that are smaller will appear further away from the viewer.

Lesson plan:

In this art lesson, we will continue with the art element space. We will play with size, overlapping, placement, line and colors. Using the art element space, we will draw a forest or just a tree, with flowers, butterflies, ladybugs, bees around. The flowers are colorful and everything around.

The more you practice, the better. Sketch by sketch, it becomes easy and you become accustomed to it.

This is how we (you) do it.

Step 1: Draw with pencil (use the whole paper)

Step 2: Color (choose material)

Step 3: Outline with black color pencil or black marker

Here are some examples, ideas !

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 1

Lesson plan 3

Art idea: Universe

Art element: Space

Art materials: Pencils, Colored pencils, Markers, Crayons or Water color, paper (any size)

Due date: 4.04.2020/Sunday

Space- In terms of art, space is the area around, above, and within an object.

The Uses of Space- Many new artists overlook the importance of creating space in a drawing or painting. The result usually looks flat or objects can appear to be floating. Luckily, however, creating space in an artwork is very simple to accomplish and there are a number of ways to it.

Overlapping - occurs when objects that are closer to the viewer prevent the view of objects that are behind them.

Placement on the paper - Objects placed higher within the picture plane will appear further away.

Size - Objects that are smaller will appear further away from the viewer.


Space - element of art, refers to the emptiness or area between, around, above, below, or within objects

Overlapping - when one object covers part of a second object, the first seems to be closer to the viewer.

Size - Larger objects appear to be closer to the viewer than smaller objects

Placement - Objects placed low on the picture plane seem to be closer to the viewer than objects placed near eye level

Lesson plan:

In this art lesson, we will study the art element space. We will play with size, overlapping, and placement. Using the art element space, we will draw a universe. The universe has planets, stars, and we can even draw astronauts, rockets…..

The more you practice, the better. Sketch by sketch, it becomes easy and you become accustomed to it.

This is how we (you) do it.

Step 1: Draw with pencil (use the whole paper)

Step 2: Color (choose material)

Step 3: Outline with black color pencil or black marker

Here are some examples, ideas!

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 1

Lesson plan 2

Art idea: Shape

Art element: Geometric shape

Art materials: Pencils, Colored pencils, Markers, Crayons or Water color, paper (any size)

Due date: 29.03.2020/Sunday

Geometric Shapes: have perfect, uniform measurements and don’t often appear in nature.

Ex. Circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, pentagon, pentagram, hexagon, and octagon.


· Recognize and draw shapes which have specified attributes, such as a given number of equal sides. Identify triangles, pentagons, hexagons, cubes, circle, rectangle....etc

· Students will identify the difference between organic and geometric shapes.

Lesson plan:

In this art lesson we will use a few very simple geometric shapes to construct animals, though the technique can be used for human figures, landscape objects, buildings, vehicles - in fact virtually anything.In this short lesson, we’re going to draw different animals.

The more you practice, the better. Sketch by sketch, it becomes easy and you become accustomed to it.

This is how we (you) do it:

Step 1: Draw with pencil (use the whole paper)

Step 2: Color (choose material)

Step 3: Outline with black color pencil or black marker

I am sending you 5 videos in order for you to choose which animal you would like to draw yourselves! Remember, you only need to draw one animal!

Let's Get Started!

Using the videos, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4:

Video 5:

Parents can send me the photo of the finished art project by March, 29th . Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 1

Art idea: Shape

Art elements: line, organic shape, color

Art materials: pencil, color pencil or markers

Art technique: Drawing

Students will learn about the difference between organic and geometric shapes.

Geometric Shapes: such as circles, triangles, or squares have perfect, uniform measurements and don’t often appear in nature.

Organic Shapes: are associated with things from the natural world, like plants and animals.


  • Students will learn about the difference between organic and geometric shapes.
  • Understand and identify the difference between geometric and organic shapes

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing.


Required materials :

- Drawing paper: drawing sketch book any size or A4 format printing paper

-Pencil, color pencil, markers

Step 1: make a sketch with a pencil

Step 2: develop to drawing by pressing with pencil and add details

Step 3: color with, color pencil or markers (pay attention not to go out of line, not to live white space and to keep one direction)

Step 4: finish the coloring and outline the shapes with black marker or black color pencil

1.Class/ 1h or 50min

Start sketching. Follow step by step instructions.

2.Class/ 1h or 50min

Finish up sketching.

Follow step by step instructions.

3.Class/ 1h or 50min

Start coloring or shading- depends on the materials that you have in your home.

Individual choice. No restrictions on color palette.

4.Class/ 1h or 50min

Finish up with coloring.

Parents can send me the photo of the finished art project by Friday 20th. Please email me the photo of the finished art project.

Learning Goals & Objectives

1. Use the creative process to plan, organize and problem solve.

- He/she is exploring the connection between planned sketches and final projects.

2. Understand and use the language of art: the elements of art and principles of design.

- He/she can recognize and use a variety of lines (straight, curved, thick, thin etc.) and can demonstrate how lines can make shapes.

- He/she can recognize and use geometric and organic shapes.

3. Apply visual awareness to the creative process

- He/she can create art from real and imaginary sources of inspiration.