Grade 4

Course Goals

Fourth grade students focus on understanding contemporary and historic art examples. The elements of art are reviewed and new principles introduced by exploring traditional and nontraditional art media. The curriculum incorporates group projects, interdisciplinary studies, the use of various materials, discussions, and student research, while emphasizing the significance of the artist and the art object throughout history.

The goals are to understand basic Art Theory and various techniques of an artist, and to practice them in creating their own work. They will develop their creative skills by concentrating on topics such as basic drawing techniques.

Art initiates, develops, and encourages:

* Individual expression

* Imaginative expression and sharing

* Students' aesthetic awareness

* Learning to "see" as an artist and become a visual learner

* Knowledge and use of various media

* Basic knowledge of some significant artists

* Basic understanding of different genres and movements

* An artist's glossary of terms

“The greatest gift this generation can give future generations is a HEALTHY PLANET.”

Iain Cameron Williams

Global warming, recycling, and making a poster, we want to convey our message to protect the planet, our home....

We work on mosaics. Thank you, Ms. Lee Weber for sharing your experience with us!