Grade 2

Art idea: Weapons or jewelry from the Bronze Age

Due date: 03.6.2020- Wednesday

Art elements: color, line, shape

Art material: Paper, color pencil, markers, crayons, tempera, water color, collage, pebbles, clay, aluminium foil, cardboard, string….


Bronze was a shiny gold color, and could by richly decorated. Bronze was used to make beautiful object such as jewelry, tools for the villagers, and weapons for the warriors. These objects were often given fancy designs.

Lesson plan

Step 1: Draw- Create your own jewelry or weapon design. Weapons and jewelry should come from the Bronze Age. Play with the line, shape and patterns. Your idea should be drawn across the entire paper!

Step 2: Colour (use any materials you have at home)

Step 3: Outline

A few ideas!

Grade 2

Lesson plan 9

Art idea: Stonehenge

Due date: 27.5.2020- Wednesday

Art elements: space, form, shape

Art material: Paper, color pencil, markers, crayons, tempera, water color, collage, pebbles, clay, marshmallow, aluminium foil


Stonehenge is a huge man-made circle of standing stones. Built by our ancestors over many hundreds of years, it’s one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments… And one of it’s biggest mysteries, too!

Work started on this super stone circle around 5,000 years ago in the late Neolithic Age – but it took over 1,000 years to build, in four long stages! Archaeologists believe the final changes were made around 1,500BC, in the early Bronze Age.

Lesson plan

Brief presentation about Stonehenge, watch the video1!

Video 1:

To make this project, I’m giving you a few solutions, the choice is yours! The project can be made as a drawing or you can make a model with the help of certain materials.

Step 1: Draw-Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing

Step 2: Colour (use any materials you have at home)

Step 3: Outline

If you have decided to make a model of a Stonehenge, you first need a base on which to build the model. It can be cardboard or any hard surface!

Then with the help of pebbles, or clay, marshmallow, aluminium foil you work out the circular shape that will represent the Stonehenge.

Few ideas and don't forget to email me! :)

Grade 2

Lesson plan 8

Art idea: Mask

Due date: 20.5.2020- Wednesday

Art elements: line, shape, color


Art material: Paper, color pencil, markers, crayons, tempera, water color, collage

Intro: Stone Age Beliefs

The early humans develop religious beliefs to explain the world around them. Gatherers and Hunters tried to contact the spirit of the animals that they hunted. When they became aware of the changing seasons, they started making up stories regarding the thunderstorms and sunrise. They even started worshiping the forces of nature. It is believed that the earliest masks were used in Africa before Paleolithic era. They represent spirits of animals or ancestors, mythological heroes, moral values or a form of honoring of a person in a symbolic way. Masks have been made for thousands of years from all kinds of materials and for many different uses. Some are religious, or represent nature and tribal ancestors. Dancers wear masks in ceremonies to bring rain or chase away evil or sickness.

Lesson plan:

Step 1: Draw-Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing


Step 2: Using a pencil draw an oval shaped outline presenting a head-face

Step 3: Start the nose at the center, add eyes and mouth

Step 4: Add in some patterns of lines, colors and shapes

Step 4: Color

Step 5: Outline

Few ideas and don't forget to email me! :)

Grade 2

Lesson plan 7

Art idea: Ancestors look like…..

Due date: 13.5.2020- Wednesday

Art elements: line, shape, color

Art material: Paper, color pencil, markers, crayons


The definition of an ancestor is a person or creature from whom one is descended or who lived in the past, or a person who came before.

What did humans look like in the Stone Age?

They were shorter than today. A woman's average height was 154 cm and a man's 166 cm. On average people lived to the age of 35, and were more well built than today. Compared to modern humans, Stone Age humans and human ancestors may have been primitive—but they were far more sophisticated than the grunting cavemen often depicted on screen. In fact, early humans were ingenious problem-solvers who managed to survive and thrive in hostile environments.

Lesson plan:

Step 1: Travel back in time

What did early humans look like, what did they wear and how did they communicate?

Draw the look of yours ancestor!

Pay attention to details. Hair, long, short ... had something in her hair, decoration ... The clothes are made of what? For which weather conditions are appropriate? Do they wear shoes?

Use the whole paper!

Step 2: Color process

Step 3: Outline with black color pencil or marker

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Here are some examples, ideas !

Grade 2

Lesson plan 6

Art idea: Stone Age art

Due date: 6.5.2020- Wednesday

Art elements: line, shape, color

Art material: Paper, water colors and black marker


Cave paintings are paintings on cave walls and ceilings. Usually these paintings were made in prehistoric times. It is not known why these paintings were made. Most people think they may have had a function for rituals. They may also have been a way to transit information; to tell other people about something……

Lesson plan:

In this art lesson, we will learn about cave art. Student will identify which are the typical representations of animals that are represented in caves as well as what colors were used during the Stone Age.

Step 1: Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your project.

After finishing the background with watercolors, wait for it to dry and then continue with the pencil the drawing process (in case you make a mistake you can erase it.) Once you are satisfied with the look of the drawing, repeat the drawing with a black maker.

Video 1:

In case you do not have watercolors at home, use the video 2 for the background! It will help you to achieve the same effect with the help of markers and water.

Video 2:

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Here are some examples, ideas !

Grade 2

Lesson plan 5

Art idea: Recycling art

Due date: 26.04.2020/Sunday

Art elements: line, space, form, shape, color

Art material: recycling materials

Recycled Objects to consider:

Styrofoam: egg cartons, packing peanuts; food containers; meat trays

Cardboard: food boxes, paper boxes, corrugated boxes, ice cream containers, drink trays

Plastics: soap containers, lotion bottles, shampoo bottles, laundry bottles & lids, plastic shopping Bags, soda 6-pack rings

Aluminum: soda cans, clean/used tin foil, food wrapper linings

Paper: shredded paper, envelopes, letters, junk mail,

Odds & Ends: CD’s, broken pieces of furniture, chipped plates/mugs, jewelry pieces

Wire: old coat hangars, twist ties from garbage bags

Nylon: clean, used panty hose

Metals: nuts & bolts, screws, soda tabs/lids

Fabric: old tablecloths, sheets, scrap fabric swatches, torn clothing, old curtains


What is recycled art and how can it be created?

Recycled art is creative work that's made from discarded materials that once had another purpose. This includes anything from old plastic toys and vehicle tires to scraps of cloth and building supplies. Artists who make recycled art take those materials and make them into something new.

Lesson plan:

This project is an easy art project to help teach children the benefits of recycling, and uses their creativity to create art.

Step 1: Preparing the Background

Step 2: Creating the idea

Step 3: Finishing (coloring, gluing....)

Here are some examples, ideas !

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 2

Lesson plan 4

Art idea: Rainforest Part 3- Henri Rousseau/ Exploring the Jungles of Rousseau

Due date: 12.04.2020/Sunday

Art elements: line, space and shape

Art material: markers

Lesson plan:

We start with the coloring process. However, before you start coloring, make sure you have everything on the drawing. Some of you have drawn trees and flowers on different paper. In that case, please add the flowers at the bottom of the paper, between the trees, and then start coloring. We use markers. We play with the colors of the rainforest. Colorful flowers, brighter and darker green. For some parts you can use the technique of Van Gogh, with short marker movements just remember that in that case you should use at least two colors. Don't forget to color the background as well and make an outline with a black marker!

Step 1: Coloring process- markers

Step 2: Outline with black maker

Here are some examples, ideas!

Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 2

Lesson plan 3

Art idea: Rainforest part 2- Henri Rousseau/ Exploring the Jungles of Rousseau

Due date: 4.04.2020/Sunday

Art elements: line, space and shape

Art material: pencil

Children will learn about artist Henri Rousseau. They will then create versions of Rousseau’s jungle-style paintings.

Lesson plan:

This project as a whole will last for three weeks. In the second week (30.03-4.04) - Part 2, the student is required to make a sketch following the instructions in the Video. The student concentrates only on the upper part of the paper when drawing the sketch. In this process of creation, the student colors nothing. We're just working on a sketch drawing!

Step 1: Watch the Video


Step 2: We use the same Drawing paper from the first part. Now we are concentrating on the top half of the paper. Be careful, you use different sizes of trees and their overlapping. And yes, you can draw your own type of tree ... play with the line and shape!

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing.


Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 2

Lesson plan 2

Art idea: Rainforest - Part 1- Henri Rousseau/ Exploring the Jungles of Rousseau

Art elements: line, space and shape

Art material: pencil

Due date: 29.3.2020/Sunday

Children will learn about artist Henri Rousseau. They will then create versions of Rousseau’s jungle-style paintings.

About Henri Rousseau:

Henri Rousseau was a French artist born in 1844, died in 1910. He was a self taught artist who often painted images of jungle scenes and animals. His work was almost always bright and colorful and he is best know for his Sleeping Gypsy painting of 1897.

Lesson plan:

This project as a whole will last for three weeks. In the first week (23-29.3) - Part 1, the student is required to make a sketch following the instructions in Video 2. The student concentrates only on the lower part of the paper when drawing the sketch. In this process of creation, the student colors nothing. We're just working on a sketch drawing!

Step 1: Watch the Video 1- Intro for artist Henri Rousseau

Video 1:

Step 2: Take an A4 print paper or drawing paper of any size and pencil

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing.

Video 2:

Parents can send me the photo of the finished art project by March, 29th . Please email me the photo of the finished art project. Thank you!

Grade 2

Art idea: Fish

Art elements: line, shape, color


Art materials: Pencil, color pencil or markers

Art technique: Drawing

Cubism is a great subject for drawing simple shapes and rendering with markers. In this project students will create an original piece of artwork in the style of cubism that uses line, shape, color and patterns.

Using the video, follow the instructions step by step and develop your drawing


Required materials :

- Drawing paper: drawing sketch book any size or A4 format printing paper

-Pencil, color pencil, markers

Step 1: make a sketch with a pencil

Step 2: develop to drawing by pressing with pencil and add details

Step 3: color with, color pencil or markers (pay attention not to go out of line, not to live white space and to keep one direction)

Step 4: finish the coloring and outline the shapes with black marker or black color pencil

1.Class/ 1h or 50min

Start sketching. Follow step by step instructions.

2.Class/ 1h or 50min

Finish up sketching.

Follow step by step instructions.

3.Class/ 1h or 50min

Start coloring or shading- depends on the materials that you have in your home.

Individual choice. No restrictions on color palette.

4.Class/ 1h or 50min

Finish up with coloring.

Parents can send me the photo of the finished art project by Friday 20th. Please email me the photo of the finished art project.

Learning Goals & Objectives

1. Use the creative process to plan, organize and problem solve.

- He/she uses observations and experiences, both spontaneously and deliberately, to plan and create art.

2. Understand and use the language of art: the elements of art and principles of design.

- He/she can compare and contrast geometric and organic shapes.

3. Apply visual awareness to the creative process

- Create art that reflects personal observation and experience