Harada Labメンバー紹介



  • Min Li (京大地球環境学舎2021年博士後期課程単位取得大学修了, マレーシア出身, Fecal transmission and exposure assessment in a Zambian peri-urban slum

  • Loi (Ph.D, Van Lan大学講師,ベトナム出身,Greenhouse emission from septic systems in low- and middle-income countries)

  • Naing (Ph.D, iFOM local project coordinator / former Project Associate (Asia)-SWA UNICEF, ミャンマー出身,Simplified material flow analysis)

  • Shotaro (University College London, 日本出身,App development for WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Participatory Action Research for Subsaharan Africa)


  • Beer (京大地球環境学舎, タイ出身, Greenhouse gas emissions along sanitation service chain)

  • Ryuichi (京大地球環境学舎, 日本出身, Management of decentralized wastewater treatment system using IoT sensor and soft sensor technology


  • Seyha (京大地球環境学舎, カンボジア出身, Household water and sanitation practices in peri-urban and rural communities in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia

  • Konishi (京大工学研究科, 日本出身, Assessment of the acceptability of urine-diverting dry toilets in rural Malawi)

  • ひらお (京大アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科, 日本出身, Waste generation and waste management practices in Benin)


  • Saroj (マヒドン大工学研究科, ネパール出身, Nutrient recovery potential from onsite sanitation systems in Asian and African countries)

  • James (ザンビア大工学研究科, ザンビア出身, Utilization of plastic, ceramic waste and quarry dust in the manufacturing of pavement blocks to reduce pollution

  • Min (マヒドン大工学研究科, タイ出身, Participatory action research on water, sanitation, and hygiene for Subsaharan Africa)

\\ Harada Labの院生によるゆるめの記事 //