(2022/07/05) Our research introduced in an IAfP Youtube video

The Inter-University Exchange Project is a project funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, which aims to develop global human resources and strengthen the global expansion of university education. Under this project, Kyoto University is organizing the International Collaborative Education Program for Developing Highly Innovative Human Resources for the SDGs in Africa, called IAfP: Innovative Africa Program. Assoc. In their official Youtube video, Prof. Harada's research was introduced as a research to solve social issues in Africa which together with the efforts of local people.

  • Name of VDO:Introduction to Innovative Africa Program

  • Published Date:2022/07/05

  • Channel:Innovative Africa Channel

  • URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MxmcMd0M6M