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Warm-Up Profit Calculation

Warm-Up #1:  The STEM-Outdoor Company has total sales revenue of $10,000. The total cost of all materials and expenses was $2,500. What was the percent profit?

Warm-Up Measurement

Warm-Up #2: Using the complete length of the tape measure, how long are each of the lines shown below? Looking for the total length of the line, not just the part you can see...

Project Work-Time

Laying Out your boards, use a tape measure and mark your boards for cutting. Don't forget the kerf!!! (1/8th of an inch)

See Mr. Heuser when ALL your boards are layed-out and marked. You might be ready for cutting and assembly.

Get a blue-bin and label it with your team members names and the appropriate core and day. This is where you will store all of your cut-materials.

ASSEMBLY - don't forget to pre-drill pilot holes so you do not split your lumber!!!

Good Luck, Be Safe, and Have Fun!