
Welcome Back!

Please go to GOOGLE CLASSROOM and work on the warm-up for Lesson-5.  They are also shown below for your convenience:

Warm-Up Profit Calculation

Warm-Up #1: You built a wooden lawn decoration for a total cost of $44.44. If you sell the lawn decoration for $109.75, what is your total profit?

Warm-Up Measurement

Warm-Up #2: Using the complete length of the tape measure, how long are each of the lines shown below? Looking for the total length of the line, not just the part you can see...

Your Team should have earned a Building Permit. This can only be done once ALL TEAM MEMBERS have finished their Shop Safety Training on BB9. If your team is not completely done with Shop Safety Training, you must get will not be allowed to go any further until your entire team has successfully completed Shop Safety Training.

Once your team has a Building Permit signed by Mr. Heuser and Mr. Prothero, you are eligible to start building! Steps include:

Laying Out your boards, use a tape measure and mark your boards for cutting. Don't forget the kerf!!! (1/8th of an inch)

See Mr. Heuser when ALL your boards are layed-out and marked. You might be ready for cutting and assembly.

Get a blue-bin and label it with your team members names and the appropriate core and day. This is where you will store all of your cut-materials.

Good Luck, Be Safe, and Have Fun!