
Welcome to Sports & Entertainment Marketing!

Warm Up - MATH

Click HERE to get your math warm-up.  

Do NOT Start until I say GO!

Do as many as you can, as quickly as possible.  

Focus on getting them all correct.

Accuracy before speed.

SUMMATIVE MATH WARM UP ------ Next Lesson!  (Please bring a pencil)

Television/Video Advertisements 


Television has held the title of the largest mass medium used for advertising for more than 60 years, and that designation has not been overtaken even with the growth of the internet. Television is an important component of a media plan because of its pervasiveness, impact and targeting abilities.

We live in a culture bombarded with promotional messages. Studies differ on the number of ads seen by the average American, but researchers cite from 850 to 3,000 ad messages experienced daily. These messages come from traditional sources like TV and newspapers but also on coffee cups, bill inserts, catalogs, T-shirts and the like. The competition for the eyes and ears of the American consumer is fierce.

Television has the properties of sight, sound and motion that traditionally set it apart from other media such as radio (sound only) or print (sight only). With its three-pronged assault on its viewer’s senses, TV is able to create broad awareness for a product. Television is considered a mass medium because of the numbers of people it reaches.

National broadcasters like CBS, NBC, ABC and now FOX reach more than 115 million households with 290 million viewers. Television reaches more than 94% of the country’s population, a huge potential audience for a television commercial. But even TV’s mass audience gets segmented as viewers fragment along age, gender and racial groups to watch particular networks, channels and programs.

The actual impact of an individual television ad depends on the kind of product being advertised. Some product categories are just naturally more interesting than others. More important is the creativity of the message itself.

This is where specialists in television advertising truly earn their paychecks as it is their job to create ads that break through the clutter of television advertising, get attention, communicate its unique selling proposition and so position the product for a sale. Television advertising has established a pantheon of highly regarded brands and brand icons like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, Michelin Tire Man and Tony the Tiger.

Developing an Advertisement

Creating a video advertisement is simple, if you stick to your message and clearly set a goal.  What will your message be about?

If you chose a Sports Team, please adhere to the following guidelines:

If you choose a Musician or Band/Group, please adhere to the following guidelines:

If you choose an Event/Convention, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Check out the examples shown below:

Pearl Jam's Ad for their new album....available at Target! 

Milwaukee Brewers Ad

Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo Commercial

C.Y.O. (create-your-own) Video Advertisement

Now it is time to create your own video advertisement for your Sports Team/Musical Artist/Group/Band/Event.  Please use iMovie on your iPads, Vegas Movie Studio on the PC's, or any other video editor that you see fit.  Establish a clear message for your ad (what are you trying to promote/sell?)  Guidelines shown below:

Work Time & Homework

Make sure you finish your four Video Advertisement before the next lesson.  Turn it into Google Classroom when you are finished.  Any Q's?    See Mr. P.    He is ALWAYS HAPPY TO HELP!