
Welcome Back!

Did you know that we only have 2 Classes left for this rotation?  WOW!  Time flies!  You will START Rotation-6 on Wednesday/Thursday of NEXT Week.  However, that Friday you will be working in your Pathway from Rotation-5.

Warm-Up (Fitz Demo)

Using your Billboard that you created in Lesson-9, please transform it into an even more creative marketing tool.

#1.) Do a Google search to find a “blank billboard”..WATCH IMAGE SIZE!!!

#2.) View Image & Copy this image

#3.) Open Photoshop and choose a new canvas (remember Photoshop is so smart that it knows what size of canvas to create based your copied image)

#4.) Paste your image onto this new canvas

#5.) Select the white area with the magic wand tool

#6.) Open your billboard file that your created for your company and select all and copy

#7.) Go to your blank billboard and select the white space with the magic wand tool

#8.) Go to Edit--paste into

#9.) Scale, rotate, perspective etc if needed

#10.) Add additional elements to make your billboard over the top


Passion Project in Adobe Photoshop

The time has come for us to Turn You Loose!!!  We want you to learn something NEW in Photoshop. What that is will be up to you.  Shown below are some AMAZING  ideas or examples of something you can research and create in Photoshop.  You’ll have the remainder of Lesson 10 and 11 to complete this project.

We have ideas shown below, also from some books, or online using sites like, etc.  Totally up to you.  Please be sure you check what version of Photoshop the tutorial or example is in.  (Also check if it is for MAC or PC)  There may be some subtle differences.

STEP-1 - Research a NEW skill/tool or two in Photoshop

STEP-2 - Practice these NEW skills/tools.

STEP-3 - Create a DYNAMIC & AWESOME Design that uses and shows-off these newly learned skills & tools. YOU CAN ALWAYS CHANGE THE COLORS, IMAGERY ETC IN THE TUTS!

                   DEADLINE - TUESDAY April 25, 2017.

THANK YOU for being AMAZING Students in this class.  Please make sure that ALL of your work is completed with care and turned in to Google Classroom.  Final Grades will be calculated next week.  Good Luck in your next Pathway!