

Warm Up - MATH

Click HERE to get your math warm-up.  

Do NOT Start until I say GO!

Quick Discussion & Review

Table Discussion:

Share your SLOGAN, and mascot ideas with the people at your table.  

Gather their feedback, and make any changes that you feel are necessary.

What does the Front (Face) of your Cereal Box look like?

Now it is time to design the FIRST of 6 sides of your cereal box.  Since you will use the front of the cereal box in the next few steps in this lesson, it makes sense to create that one first.  You may use an APP you like, Sketch, Notability, etc or Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ideas, or any App that you see fit, as long as it can export to a .jpg or .pdf file that fits the 8.5" x 11" size requirements.

Things to keep in mind:

Today's Lesson - PART-2

Parts of a Print Ad

For some of you, this is review, for others, this is NEW.

Today's Lesson - PART-3

CREATE A PRINT AD for your cereal. Make sure you include all 5 parts of the ad.  Size of the ad should be 8" x 10".  When writing the "copy", be sure to include the features and benefits of the product.  An example is shown below:


H E L P F U L  -  H I N T S

1--HEADLINE--  The Headline should NOT be the name of your product.  It should be a short amount of words that provoke thought by the reader.

2--COPY--  Tell us about the product.  Incorporate the product's features and benefits.  Be specific and factual, do research if necessary.  This should be 4-6 sentences, minimum.

3--ILLUSTRATION--  Make sure that your Picture/Image/Illustration is HIGH-RES, not blurry or pixelated.  It should be appropriately cropped, sized, and should look amazing.

4--SIGNATURE--  The signature is a fancy word for LOGO.  Use the company's Logo somewhere on your ad.  See the Truck ad above for a good example.

5--SLOGAN--  Most companies have a slogan or catch-phrase.  A short group of words that appear consistently with the products they try to sell.  Example--NIKE--Just Do It!

If you are using Adobe Photoshop:

Check for proper Spelling, Grammar, etc.


Today's Lesson - PART-4

CREATE A COUPON for your cereal. Make sure you include all of the parts of a coupon, including an expiration date.  Size of the coupon is up to you, but it should be smaller than a dollar bill, and able to fit into a wallet or purse with ease. (look at coupons in a magazine for an example...most are less than 3" x 3")  A couple of examples of coupons for cereal are shown below:


Parts of the coupon that MUST be present include:

Each of the items shown above should be completed by the end of the week.  Any questions?  See Mr. P for additional help.