
Welcome to The Business Behind Video Games!

Warm Up - Beauty and the Beast - Math 

Click HERE to get your math warm-up.  

Do NOT Start until I say GO!

Do as many as you can, as quickly as possible.  

Focus on getting them all correct.

Accuracy before speed.

Warm-Up #2

Disney took a huge risk in 2017...  But it worked out in their favor.  They grossed an estimated $504,014,165 in sales...  (Article)  Brooks Barnes, a reporter at the New York Times, reported that movie had a production launch cost — including global distribution and marketing — of $300 million.

Open a fresh Google Doc or Note, and record your answers for the following questions:

If the cost to produce, distribute, and market Beauty & the Beast totals $300 million, and they grossed $504,014,165, what was their total profit?

How Star Wars built a financial empire....

Check out this news story.  WOW!  That is a LOT OF MONEY!!!

Creating a Main Villain and other Sub-Characters

Creating a main villain can be a driving force in any successful movie franchise.  While a well-developed plot is great, it gets even better when their is conflict along the way.  Some examples of conflict between Heroes and Villains is shown below:

         Joker vs. Batman         Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker    Harry Potter vs Voldemort



Complete the Villain Character Development Form on Google Classroom to begin the process of creating your VILLAIN character.

Don't forget to do your sketches as well.  (Front, Side, Back.) Just like you did for your Main.

Homework - COMPLETE YOUR VILLAIN & MAIN CHARACTERS & THEIR SKETCHES if you have not already done so.