Survey Module

Purpose: The Survey Module allows you to collect repeated data from clients and others. These are stored as many-to-one records on the case or user.

Cost: None

The Survey module is similar to both External Forms and Services. It is similar to External Forms in how it is configured and sent. However, Surveys do not include any authentication that the recipient is the intended individual. This is a key difference between the functionality. Surveys are akin to Services in that it can be a many-to-one relationship to the underlying matter.


The Survey Module is a dynamic module. To configure, you have to start by going to Admin -> Processes, Forms, and Profiles, and then switching to the Survey Questions Module. Switch to the Primary Forms and then create a Survey Questions Create Form. You’ll want to be sure to create a process for this form as you create it.

You can add any of the system fields available to the form or create new custom fields to track the data you need. If you are using custom fields, be sure to make sure you are creating them for the Survey module.

Once the form is created, create a Profile that will serve as the Thank You/Survey Completed page.

Then go to the Survey Process and make sure that the Follow-up Profile all the way at the bottom is set to your new Profile.

Usage from a case

On a Matter Auxiliary form, use the Client Survey Send Request block to select the survey and send it in a similar fashion to External Forms.


Reporting on Surveys utilizes the top level table of Survey Questions. You can not access the survey results from the Case/Matter top level reports table. There is likely to be some overlap with the Case/Matter -> External Forms Log (One Row per Log Entry) table.