2017-03-22 Release Notes

Effective: Demo sites 03/23/2016; Weekly sites 03/31/2017; Monthly sites 04/07/2017

Student Advocacy begins the onboarding process.

76166: Required fields in the Applicant Phone #s block will display a warning instead of an error page if the required field(s) aren't filled out when a form is submitted.

76168: Significant change for sites using Median Income Scales: The Admin> Median Income Scales page now allows multiple rows for the same time period with varying household sizes, base amounts, and increments. Exactly like the Poverty Scales feature works. Site administrators should not need to take any action, but we recommend reviewing the admin page once this update hits your live site. Note: This is not the Area Median Income feature that sites doing HUD work use. Two different animals. Median Income is an option in the Financial Information block; check there if you aren't sure if your site uses it.

76240: Improved inbound email processing to deal with multi-line "To:" addresses that some copiers seem fond of sending.

76252: Outcomes V2 lookup values now have an option for "unassigned" in the Outgoing LSIndex Type lookup.