Training Before Go Live

LegalServer staff sometimes provide training before a go live, although this is subject to the organization's contract.

For other training, see LegalServer Training.

Recordings: If you want a recording of any of these trainings, a site administrator (or designee) must join the meeting, ask to be made a co-host, and record to their computer.

Total Training Time

We offer web-based training. We may offer on-site training again in a post-pandemic world. Your contract specifies the manner and amount of training. Organizations opting for on-site training must supply the space, and a projector (if desired). Each on-site day counts as a minimum of 7.5 hours of training time and includes up to 6 hours of live presentation/instruction.


Training is generally done the week before a go live (which typically happens on a Monday), but this is flexible.


For on-site training, the organization must provide a projector (or other means of displaying the trainer's screen) if that is desired. Our trainer will bring a computer, but can typically use a supplied computer if only organization computers are allowed on the network or it is a restricted lab environment.

The organization must provide internet access. Wifi access is a consistent issue at many locations where people will be following along on their own laptop or tablet. A wifi network that handles a few people in a conference room with no problem may start dropping connections after 20 or more people with laptops try to use it.

Web Sessions

Web sessions are limited to 100 attendees. Multiple people in a conference room viewing a shared screen only count as one attendee.


Organizations may record sessions if desired.


The Introduction and Overview page covers the topics of the Introduction session. It also has a link to a PDF covering most of the Cases, Time, Outreach, Calendar, and Running Reports sessions. We do not bring printouts to on-site sessions (we love trees) or provide materials as part of web training.

Some organizations prepare internal documentation for staff, ranging from quick cheat sheets designed to be taped to a monitor for the first few days after go live, to extensive intake documentation with screenshots of each intake form and associated notes.

"Translation Lists" are also popular, especially when the terminology of a previous case management system is significantly different than in LegalServer.


The following are common training topics. It is not an exhaustive list of all possible topics. Some sessions may not be needed if an organization is not going to use a specific feature, such as Timekeeping or Clinics. Many organizations opt to provide end user training in-house, and use their training time with us for train-the-trainers sessions, advanced topics, and admin work.

We highly recommend each session not exceed 2 hours. We consistently hear from attendees that longer sessions are too much new information to absorb in one sitting.

The minimum training session time we will schedule is 0.5 hour.

The hours listed below are approximate, based on our experience. Times can be approximately twice as long in a lab environment, but this varies greatly depending on the attendees' basic computer skills and ability to work on an unfamiliar computer.

We encourage attendees to bring their own laptops or tablets if the facility has sufficient capacity. A conference room with 25 people trying to use one low-end wireless access point will result in slow response times and/or disconnects even if the location has a good internet connection.

1.0 Introduction and Overview - Navigation, saving changes, lists and filters, search options

1.0 Intake - Enter an intake, set disposition

1.0 Cases - Notes, documents, assignments, case status, closing and re-opening

0.5 Timekeeping - main page and entering each type of timeslip on the site

0.5 Outreach - Create a new record, look at Actions menu options

0.5 Calendar - Events, tasks, and deadlines

0.5 Pro Bono Cases - Setting a case as a pro bono / PAI case; referring to a pro bono user; setting pro bono user 'Extra Information'

0.5 Running Reports (for end users)

1. 0 Clinics - Create an event with appointment slots; schedule a case into a slot.

Other topics as needed:

2.0 Advanced Reports (building and editing)

You've scanned the Reports Manual. You've tried building or editing at least one report. Bring your questions, reports you want to build.

2.0 Site Admins

You've read the New Site Administrators page. You're excited, but have questions. Bring them to the session and we'll try to answer them.