Mass Assignment Updates
Purpose: This feature allows reassigning multiple matters to another user. This can helpful, for example, when a user leaves an organization.
The link to perform updates will only appear for users whose role has the "Allow Mass User Updating" permission.
Despite "Prescreen" appearing in the Affected Dispositions list, the prescreen intake user cannot be updated using this feature. That field does not create an assignment, as happens for incomplete intakes and cases.
Assignments can only be changed to a staff user. Pro bono users do not show up in the "To:" list.
This feature does not change the assigned office or assigned program. There is currently no mass way to change either.
Updating multiple assignments is a three step process. Begin by clicking Actions > Mass Assignment Update link on the user profile of the person you are transferring assignments from. On the initial screen, select the default user, the matter dispositions to search for, and the effective date of the reassignment.
The next page presents a list of matters based on the previous entries. Check the box for each matter that should be reassigned. Optionally change the default user to transfer a particular matter to.
The confirmation page lists the matters that will be reassigned based on the previous choices and provides a continue button to perform the assignments. Each reassignment will end the current user's assignment and create a new assignment of that type for the selected user.
We highly recommend printing or otherwise saving this list before clicking Continue to make the changes.