Lead/Member Cases (Compact) Block

Displays the Lead/Member status of a case on the main profile page, and an "Expand" button that offers different options depending on the case's Lead status.

If the case is not a Lead case, the Expand button displays an "Edit Lead Status" button and an "Associate with Lead Case" link.

If the case is a Lead case, the Expand button displays an "Edit Lead Status" button, a "View a summary of Member cases" link, and a list of Member cases. The columns in the list are selected in the configuration options.

Configuration Options:

  • Show Client

  • Show Date Opened

  • Show Legal Problem Code

  • Show Special Legal Problem Code

  • Show Primary Assignment

  • Show Case Status

  • Show Case Status Note

  • Show Conflict Status

  • Show Case Disposition

Note re Labels:

If you prefer other terminology other than Lead/Member, you can change it on the Admin -> Site Settings page: