Activity Presets

Purpose: Activity Presets are used to create a suggested (or required) set of Events, Tasks, Deadlines, or Outcomes associated with a particular activity on a case.

Related: For more information about using Activities in general, see Activities, and our video about Activities and Activity Presets.

Use Case - Adding a Calendar Event

One typical use case is using activity presets to schedule a calendar event, like a meeting, based on a specific Activity Item. In the example activity preset below, when the user adds an activity to record that the respondent has filed a motion to dismiss, that preset creates a calendar event for the advocate to meet with their supervising attorney in 5 days.

Use Case - Adding Tasks and Deadlines

In addition to adding calendar Events to a case, site admins can create Tasks and Deadlines based on certain activities as well. In the activity preset example below, when the user adds an activity to record that the client has filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition, the preset creates a 30-day deadline for the advocate to mail that petition to the case trustee, and a 2-week task for the advocate to meet with the client to prep for court.

Note in the example above that the user can select "Yes/No" to indicate if the above task or deadline should be added to the case. If the available task or deadline has not been set as "required" when the preset was created, this Yes/No option allows the user to decide if a particular task or deadline is appropriate for a given case.

The "More" option, above, allows the user to set additional options: the user can set the List Date for when that task or deadline should appear on a user's task and deadline lists; the user can select the task or deadline type; the user can indicate which users should be assigned to a particular task or deadline, and tag the task or deadline to a particular office or program; and the user can decide to send a reminder for a task or deadline.

Use Case - Adding Outcomes

Admins can also create activity presets to capture Outcomes based on a given activity. In the activity preset example below, when the user adds an activity to record that a child support award has been granted, the user can record that as an outcome, and additionally record those financial outcomes on the case.

Administrative Setup

Site admins create new Activity Presets through Admin > Activity Presets > Create New Preset. Admins will first want to configure the related Activity lookups: Activity Actor, Activity Action, and Activity Item; as well as the relevant calendar lookups: Event Type, Task Type, and Deadline Type. Sites not using Outcomes will want to configure that lookup (most sites will use Outcomes V2), Outcome Subcategory, and the Outcome Group lookups.

Site admins will select the applicable Activity Actor, Activity Action, and Activity Item that, when chosen by the user, will create an Event, Task, Deadline, or Outcome.

Admins add preset items by adding it to the activity preset. While configuring, and admin can remove unwanted calendar records by dragging those items to the "Disabled Items" section, much like configuring forms.

When adding Events, Tasks, or Deadlines, site admins can set default due dates and how those dates should be calculated. Admins can also set list dates and due dates for tasks and deadlines, and indicate which users should have those Events, Tasks, and Deadlines appear on their calendars.

As of April 7, 2022 on Demo Sites and April 15 on Live sites, Events now have a default office option like Tasks and Deadlines. This allows for them to be opened in the UI on sites that have dynamic events.

Admins can also mark any activity preset items (Events, Tasks, Deadlines, Outcomes) as mandatory, so that those items will automatically be added to a case. If they are mandatory, on the User Interface there will not be an option to disable or skip them. After the question about Mandatory on the backend is "Default Y/N Value". This is only relevant if Mandatory is not set to true. If Mandatory is false, then there will be a yes/no checkbox to add that item presented to the User. This configuration field controls the default value on the front end.