2023-03-29 Release Notes


Welcome Legal Aid Justice Center as they begin their onboarding journey of discovery and fulfillment.

Wayne County Indigent Defense Services Department prepares to go live. Some are excited. Some are apprehensive. Some are stocking up on popcorn to enjoy the show.

Changes and Updates

🔄 Effective for demo sites on 2023-03-30, then on live sites on 2023-04-07. 🔄


API Mavens should visit the always informative API Changelog.

LS-94364: Replace a white screen of sadness with a nice message indicating an expired token when doing things with Knowledge Resources [citation needed].

LS-95789: A report filter based on an Office field and set to "Is matched to viewing user" will look at the user's Office, and now also any Additional Offices selected for that user.

LS-98659: The Search tab on the Admin > Top Level Navigation Bar/Search page could use another setting. So we added "Sort Conflict Search Results by Disposition Date (Instead of Disposition)". It's off (colloquially: "No") by default.

LS-98760: The "Case/Matter - Cases" list view (which likely powers your "Cases" tab on the "Cases" section front) gets "Case Type" as an available column and filter.

LS-98775: Trying to view the Admin > API Log page on some sites gave you time to prepare lunch, eat it, and pick an afternoon cocktail. Sorry, you'll need to find another excuse to take your lunch break now.

LS-98913: Updated the Gavel API workflow request to skip null fields and empty subtables so that Gavel will prompt for them on their side.

LS-99471: We locked our UI guy in a room with the Enhanced Charges block. We think you'll like the results.

LS-99552: You've got organizations filling out an external form that asks for the organization's Total Exempt Assets. They dutifully enter "49672672.11" in that field. Hide your eyes Virginia, because they just got a full page error mentioning numeric scales and rounding to powers of 10. So we've upped the limit on the field, and if someone goes over it, they will get a polite message showing how big the number can be (no powers of 10 involved).


LS-99768: Add missing display logic in the NLU elements and reinstate session tracking for detecting when a dialog is completed.

LS-99881: The Default Value box in a text field's configuration on a form honors white space and line breaks. Good. The same in a Guided Navigation segment displays a mass of squished text. Ouch. Anti-squishing poultice applied.

LS-99911: No one told Mass Calendar Updates that events can be linked to multiple cases. Understandably confused, it sounded the error alarm when faced with such an event. We explained the situation, and MCU has agreed to handle these events properly.


LS-100030: Custom fields can now have the same Short Name if they are in different classes. Colloquially: You can now have a field named "Foo" in matter and one named "Foo" in outreach. Etc. 


Anniversary Celebration


What They Do: Help victims of abuse, families on the brink of homelessness, and others in crisis get the justice that they deserve, with access to housing, education, healthcare, employment, safety from abuse, and other life-changing benefits.

Live with LegalServer: March 2021 

Weather: 59/40 (15/4C). Partly cloudy

Honolulu Comparison: 80/73 (27/23C). Mostly cloudy.