Bulk Edit Services

Purpose: There may be times when you want to edit lots of Service records at the same time. This allows you to do that.

Cost: TBD. This feature is in Beta. To join the Beta, please file a ticket from your site.

This block allows you to select multiple dynamic service records at the same time. It automatically filters for specific Service Types to show in the listview portion. The checkboxes then allow you to select from that list and make any updates needed. Fields in the update section that were left blank will not be touched. Fields that are selected will overwrite any existing data to the new values.


Add the Bulk Service Edit block to an auxilliary form. When configuring it, you have the option to select many fields on the service record to include in the editing portion of the block. To add a field, select it from the Service Fields dropdown and then click Add. If you open the field once you have added it, you have the ability to choose if it should display in the listview.

By clicking the pencil at the end of the row for each field, you've got the ability to edit it. You can set a new label for the field, set a default value, or indicate if it should be included in the listview or not. Once you make any changes, you have to click the green check mark at the top to save those changes before you click the Continue button at the bottom of the form.

Known Issues:

  • Custom Lookup fields are only available as single selects not multiselects.

  • User and Organization fields are not available currently but should be by the end of 2022.

  • The header is non-customizable.