
LegalServer provides tools for agencies to keep track of Arrests for their clients. The Arrests feature allows recording structured arrest information on a case in an Arrest record. A case can have multiple arrest records.

Site administrators typically enable this feature by creating a Auxiliary Process and displaying an Actions menu link called "Arrests" (the name of the process and the link are configurable).

Arrest Information Listview

The Arrest Information Listview is available on Case Profiles and Auxiliary Forms. Administrators can set up the listview to best match the information being collected by selecting which columns to enable. Default filters are also available as well as the ability to set the Add/Edit Process for Arrest Information.

Arrests (Singular) Block

This block displays the fields needed to create an Arrest record, or multiple Arrest records, on a case.

This block is typically placed on an auxiliary form that is called by an "Arrests" auxiliary process, but can be placed on an auxiliary form with other elements.

Fields relevant to this block:

*Citation Number (Text)

*Arrest Date (Date)

*Uncharged (Boolean)

*Charges (Multi-Select)

*Outcome (Lookup)

*Outcome Date (Date)

*Arresting Officer (Contact Search)

*Law Enforcement Agency (Organization Search)

*Arrest Note (Text Area)

Arrest Block Configuration Options

Administrators have many configuration option on this block, allowing for showing, hiding, and/or requiring the different fields. The configuration options include:

*Show Citation Number

*Require Citation Number

*Show Related Charge(s)

*Require Related Charge(s)

*Show Uncharged

*Show Arrest Date

*Require Arrest Date

*Default Arrest Date to Intake Date

*Default Arrest Date to Current Date

*Show Outcome

*Show Outcome Date

*Show Law Enforcement Officer

*Show Arresting Officer

*Show Arrest Note

N.B. The Law Enforcement Officer field is a search limited to Organizations with the system organization type of "Law Enforcement Agency." The Arresting Officer field is a search limited to Contacts with the system contact type of "Law Enforcement Officer."

Arrests Block (Toggled List) - Deprecated

This block displays the fields needed to create an Arrest record, or multiple Arrest records, on a case.

This block is typically placed on an auxiliary form that is called by an "Arrests" auxiliary process, but can be placed on an auxiliary form with other elements.

Fields relevant to this block:

*Arrest Date (Date)

*Citation Number (Text)

*Citation Notation (Text Area)