2022-01-19 Release Notes


🏁 The nice folks at Rhode Island Legal Services are ecstatic to be going live next week. We share their joyful excitement.

Changes and Updates

⏳ Effective for demo sites on 2022-01-20, then on live sites on 2022-01-28. ⏳

LS-48514: Instruction elements on forms have an annoying habit of sometimes adding extra newlines (known colloquially as blank space) to your carefully crafted content when you edit and save said forms. Annoyance removed.

LS-63457: Case Bundlers who love Activity records will be excited to see the Activities block and Activity Log list view become available for bundles.

LS-80263: You've used the Notes (Generic) block to great effect in your online intake to collect information. But on your "Review Your Information" page near the end, all those notes were live and editable. Oh my, not what you wanted. The new "Read Only" option in the block comes to the rescue.

LS-80597: Case Bundlers will be happy to discover that the "+" button on a bundle profile's Notes list now does what you expect (add a note to the bundle record). Use the default note process and form, or create a shiny dynamic one, then tell the "+" button to use it on the Admin > Process Settings page in the Bundle Settings section.

LS-80893 and LS-83855: Some of you have noticed the "Preview Saved Form in English" link that appears in the side bar when you are editing a form. Some of you like to click it, but are deeply saddened by the result at times. These tickets should reduce the sad times by 63.2%, or more. And yes, Virginia, this should apply to Preview for the other languages on your multi-lingual site.

LS-82555: The Associate Outreach with Case block stopped displaying a "[Remove]" link next to each outreach previously selected. Link restored.

LS-82983: If your Guided Navigation segment of wonderment tries to capture the same field twice, you'll be notified of a problem when you try to save said segment. Sadly, the developers could not make the notification say "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that."

LS-83299: The County lookup list now exposes the State field, and includes it as a column in the list.

LS-83334: Make the date operators in Guided Navigation more robust. Human-friendly example: If you had an expression like "Date Closed between 01/01/2021 and 12/31/2021", you were confused because it wasn't doing anything.

LS-83912: Accessibility Initiative: Dynamic list views with configurable columns now show a "Speak for Screen Readers?" checkbox for each column.

LS-84048: If you filter the calendar Day/Week/Month views to see someone else's calendar, there is a nice note reminding you that "You are viewing Kathryn Janeway's calendar". User testing suggested putting the note up above the calendar grid would be a better location than below the grid. Up above it is. And it will no longer appear at all on the Event List tab.

LS-84404: In a previous episode of Release Notes we mentioned that Guided Navigation segments decided to stop displaying some things like the field you selected in a Field to Capture element (but the dialogue still worked). Fix applied then. Even more fix applied now.

Helping kids stabilize their lives and reach their full potential is what these nice folks do. We're happy to have been a part of that for 9 years this month.