Domestic Violence Block

Displays the "Domestic Violence" Yes/No field on a form. If "Yes" is selected, additional fields will appear depending on the configuration options selected. This field being set to Yes will also display "Domestic Violence" with a red background in the sidebar of cases.


* The field itself can be used on forms and profiles if the options provided by the block are not needed.

* Some agencies use the field as the toggle field in a branch logic block for more flexibility in collecting information.

* LSC-funded agencies (as a result of 2011 GAR changes) often add Help Text to the domestic violence field that displays mouseover text similar to "Is there domestic violence in the household regardless of the type of help being sought in this matter?"

Configuration Options:

* Set as Required

* Show Relation to Abuser - a dropdown list of relationships defined in Admin / Lookups

* Show DV Type Victimization - a dropdown list of types defined in Admin / Lookups

* Show Client (DV) Served - a dropdown list of choices defined in Admin / Lookups

* Ask if Safe Address - displays the "Safe Address" Yes/No field. If "Yes" is selected, the client's address will be labeled with "(Safe Address)"

* Show Mailing Address if Home is Unsafe - if the Safe Address option above is selected, mailing address fields will be displayed if "No" is chosen for the Safe Address field