2019-02-06 Release Notes

Effective: 2019-02-07 for demo sites, 2019-02-15 for live sites.

Center for Children & Youth Justice begins onboarding.

Chicago Commission on Human Relations begins onboarding.

Chicago Department of Human Resources begins onboarding.

East Bay Community Law Center begins onboarding.

83883: Fixed an issue with the I-485 (2017-12-13), where radio button selections did not save to the HTML form if the user returned to that form in a later session. This latest form will be pushed to all sites on 2019-02-08.

83884: Fixed an issue with the I-918 (2017-02-07), where radio button selections did not save to the HTML form if the user returned to that form in a later session. This latest form will be pushed to all sites on 2019-02-08.

84599: Display a red star on the required Activity field when an activity record is created via a billing entry.

86863: When an online intake is embedded on an external site, do not try to put focus on the first field in the online intake, which could jump past content the external site has higher up on the page.

87344: Add a filter for "Date of Activity" to the Leave Balances lists. Default it to the current month.