2018-01-24 Release Notes

Effective: Demo sites 01/25/2018; Live sites 02/02/2018

Texas Legal Services Center begins the onboarding process.

80466: Immigration form I-102 (10/19/2017) was pushed out to all immigration sites on 1/23/2018.

80857. There is a new field and lookup list, Special Housing Circumstances, that can be enabled in the Address and Address Extended blocks via the configuration option "Ask for Special Housing Circumstances". That option is unchecked (off) by default.

80623: Two labels have been changed for Outcomes V2 for clarity: "Primary Reporting Category" is now "Outcome Category for Reports", and "Additional Filtering Categories" is now "Outcome Category for Filters".

80789: Fixed an issue with the Pro Bono Opportunities feature that was causing the "Learn More" link to disappear in the Opportunities list on the home page if "Should this opportunity display for all volunteers?" is set to Yes on a case.