Applicant Name Block

Displays the First, Middle, Last, and Suffix name fields on a form.

On a profile page, displays the client's name as a clickable link to the client profile page, followed by an "Edit" link that initiates the "Change a Client's Name Process" defined on the Admin / Process Settings page.

Configuration Options:

* Add (First*, Middle, Last*, 2nd Last/Suffix) to label? - if unchecked, the label is simply "Name"

* Show Prefix/Salutation?

* All On One Line (checked by default)

Legal Name Configurations

Purpose: Additional configuration options can be enabled in the Applicant Name Block to indicate if the applicant’s provided name is their legal name. If it is not, the block will prompt for or require an additional name with the system type of “Legal Name”.  The Legal Name is entered in the Applicant Name Block and will display under “Additional Names” section in the conflict search result block.

To Enable: This functionality can be enabled upon request. There is no cost for this functionality. 

Configuration Options: 

* Show Legal Name?

* Require Legal Name?