Adding a Pro Bono Advocate to LegalServer

If your site administrator has set your permissions to allow you to do so, you can add a Pro Bono Advocate to LegalServer by following these steps:

  • If your site has one, click the User tab at the top of the screen.

    • If your site does not have a User tab, click on the Contacts tab instead.

  • Under the Actions menu, select Create New User. (In the classic version, the Actions links appear under Options on the right side of the screen.)

  • Now you will complete a series of steps that make up the process of creating the new Pro Bono Advocate in your system. The order and number of the steps will vary depending on your system configuration, but the steps will be displayed on the left side of the screen. (In the classic version, the steps are displayed on the right side of the screen under the User Creation heading.)

    • Be sure to select "Pro Bono Advocate" in the Advocate/User Type field.

    • In the User Role field, select the option that reflects your organization's choice for the role Pro Bono Advocates play in your system.

  • Click the Continue button in the lower right corner of the screen to save what you've entered and move on to the next step.

  • Complete the remaining steps, making sure to complete the required fields in each one.

  • When you have successfully completed the process for creating the new Pro Bono Advocate, LegalServer will display the User Profile for the Pro Bono Advocate you just created.