Mailing Address Block

On a form, displays the label "Mailing Address" and a "Show" button. Clicking the button displays address fields to record a mailing address for an applicant or client. On a profile page, displays the mailing address.

Configuration Options:

  • Ask if mailing address is same as main address
    Displays a checkbox, that if selected, makes the mailing address fields non-editable (grayed out) and copies the address fields entered using the Address or Address Extended blocks into these fields. Note that copying the main address into the mailing address is a one-time copy of the values in these fields. Later changes to the main address fields will not automatically be updated in the mailing address fields.

  • Ask for Institution (added 2021-10-29)
    Allows selecting an institution (an Organization with the type "Institution")to insert the institution's address as the applicant's mailing address.