2021-11-10 Release Notes


๐ŸŽ‰ Eviction Defense Network is excited to go live next week.

Changes and Updates

๐Ÿ•š Effective for demo sites on 2021-11-11, then on live sites on 2021-11-19. ๐Ÿ•š

LS-80500: If you change the Start Date/Time on a calendar event, the End Date/Time will adjust the way you hoped and dreamed it would.

LS-80880: If you are on a site with MFA enabled, and MFA is not required for your user role, and you go to your My Preferences page, and you click Actions > Disable MFA, then the "No, Cancel" button will cancel. But now it will return you to your My Preferences page instead of punishing you for changing your mind with an errant error page.

LS-82247: The Assignment Type dropdown could show the list in a pseudo-random order. Order imposed where chaos reigned.

LS-82289: Outbound SMS messages could get linked to additional (unrelated) cases when there was an error sending a text. This ticket rectifies that.

LS-82232: Using the "between" operator on a date field in an Advanced Grant filter rule will now save both dates you enter.

LS-82439: The Address and Mailing Address blocks can now both be configured to "Ask for Institution" and a different institution can be picked for each.

LS-82561: Add some robustness to the Dropbox integration to avoid subtle timing issue errors when uploading a file on the Add Case Note page.

LS-82751: If a report was exported from a site with Case Bundles enabled, it will import and run as you hoped on your site without Case Bundles enabled. Effective everywhere 2021-11-05.

LS-82601: You can now save and send "New Assignment" notes via the Disposition block for a client name Reneรฉ without her name showing up as "Rene&eacute" in the subject. This fix should work for other diactrically inclined names. But definitely at least Reneรฉ. LS-82602: Do the same for the Create Assignment block. LS-82603: Do the same when adding or editing assignments on the static "assign case" page. LS-82774: Do the same for the Re-open Case block. LS-82599: Do the same for the Reject Notes and Submit block.

LS-82745: Case bundle profiles started acting up on some sites. Made to sit up straight and fly right on 2021-11-05.

LS-82750: For sites using the Contract Attorney module, you may enjoy the date picker icon for "Allocation Date".

For over 40 years these nice folks have been helping people live independently and with dignity. We hope the last 4 years with LegalServer have helped them with their mission. (Fun fact: You can see Canada from their office)