2018-11-14 Release Notes

Effective: 2018-11-15 for demo sites, 2018-11-23 for live sites.

Linn County Advocate prepares to go live.

Inland Counties Legal Services begins onboarding.

Wabash Valley Volunteer Attorneys begins onboarding.

79396: Restore the ability to enter decimal hours like 10.25 in the CLE Credit fields on outreach records.

85897: Make the Generic Lookup Selector block available in the Outreach module.

86152: Extend the Report Part block so it displays a "Restrict to Outreach" option when it is used on an outreach record, allowing an embedded report to only show information about the outreach you are viewing.

86161: Make the Address block work in an online intake if Zip Code is displayed but City and State are unchecked.