2016-10-05 Release Notes

Effective: Demo sites 10/06/2016; Weekly sites 10/14/2016; Monthly sites 11/04/2016

Houston College of Law begins the onboarding process.

72452: Fixed an error that would occur if a site specific, multiselect lookup field was used as the toggle field in a branch logic block.

72671: A new Pro Bono Opportunities API allows you to query your LegalServer database from an external application or web site and return a limited set of information about cases meeting your search criteria.

73122: Site administrators can enable the ability to select pro bono users on the static Assign Case page, offering another way to make a pro bono assignment on a case. The new option must be enabled on the Admin > Process Settings page by selecting "Yes" for "Display Include Pro Bono Users checkbox in the Additional Assignments section of the static Assign Case page".

73134: You can now add a task to a case while creating a medical record request.

73517: The Item/Action block (from the Activity module) will again limit the Items available based on the case's problem code and the Activity Item lookup selections.

73540: Fixed an issue that could cause "MISSING ELEMENT" warnings on the second load of an auxiliary form using the Person module.

73541: The "Start New Intake" button that appears when quick case copy or create new subordinate case are used on an "old" case (intake done more than 30 days ago by default) will display a message if it is not configured properly, instead of simply refreshing the page and doing nothing.

73557: Fixed an issue with the "Limit Leave Hours per Day" block. When editing a timeslip using that block, the original time spent is no longer added to the new time spent in calculating whether the limit has been reached.

73563: Fixed errors in document templates when using the "Date of Birth" field from a person (client) actor, and the "First and Last Name" and "User Role" fields from a primary assignment (person) actor.

73575: Column subsection labels in report crosstabs will no longer display HTML tags.

73620: The User/Contact Associations block will now display an instruction note instead of an error page if added to the first step of a create process. The note tells you not to do that.

73646: Fixed an error on the Recommend Pro Bono list. Hotfixed to all affected sites 9/30/2016.

73728: Fixed the "Extend Login" button that appears in the timeout warning bar if "Show Session Timeout Warning?" is enabled on the Admin > Site Settings page. Effective 10/5/2016 for all sites.