Preset Messages

Purpose: Users can create stock preset messages to schedule and send to clients. It also allows users to create preset messages in three languages of choice. The preset messages that are available on a case will default to the client’s language recorded in their case record. See Translated Messages


Requires: SMS Text Messaging

Create a message preset

Click the SMS tab to open the main SMS page. Select the Preset Messages & Translations tab.

Type your message in the Message Text box.

Select the Translation Language from the drop-down list. If you want to create a preset message in English, select English as the Translated Language and put the same message in the Translation Text box.

Once you press continue, the Preset message will be saved in the listview below.

The system currently allows for storing preset messages in 3 languages. See Translated Messages

Send a preset message

Sending a preset message directly from a Case:

Access your SMS form from your Actions menu on a case.

Select the Preset Message from the dropdown list. The message language will default to the client’s primary language, if set, but will be editable by the user. (Note: You can send a message in any language by typing it directly into the text box.)

Users can also schedule a message to be sent later.