Notes - Allowing Notes to be Deleted, Transferred, or Copied

Administrators can allow users to delete various notes (from cases, outreaches, etc.) by checking the user role permission "Delete Notes" for the desired roles in Admin > User Roles (Permissions).

With this permission, many notes will display a Delete link. Notes created by the system, for example re-open case notes, cannot be deleted.

Clicking the link displays a confirmation form with a required Reason for Deleting text box.

For case notes, the form allows you to transfer it to another case (and provide an optional reason for transferring). Transferred notes are deleted from the original case. The "Transfer to" field only searches open cases. To transfer a note to a closed case, view the case you want to transfer the note to before clicking Delete/Transfer. That will put the case in the Recent Clients list in the side bar on the delete/transfer page, and you can click on it to fill in the "Transfer to" field.

There is also a "View Deleted Notes Log" permission that controls access to the Admin > Deleted Notes link. Sites may want to allow some roles to delete notes, but only allow administrators or similar roles to see the deleted notes.


  • Deleted notes are currently returned in search results using the Search > Notes feature. This will be changed in the future.

  • Case notes created via a timeslip can be deleted and will no no longer appear in the Case Notes list on the case. However, the note still appears on the timeslip itself. This behavior may change in the future.

Case Note Copy Option

You can file a ticket (Help menu > Support Request) asking that Case Note Copy be enabled on your site. Once this feature is enabled, case notes can be copied to multiple additional cases on both note creation ("Show copy to case" configuration option on "Add Case Note" block) and as part of the delete/transfer/copy process. Timeslips and documents stored in S3, Sharepoint, and Dropbox will not be copied.