Importing Users or Contacts from a Virtual Contact Card (.vcf) File
Purpose: Create user or contact records in Legal Server using information from a .vcf file such as First Name, Last Name, Email, Address, or Phone Number
Cost: $1200 for 3 years
Admin Set Up:
Activate the Virtual Contact Card Feature on your site (only LegalServer staff can do this)
Go to Admin -> Lookups
Find the Document Type lookup and set the lookup value “Virtual Contact Card” to active (PSTI Only)
Select whether Virtual Contact Card files will be used to create Contact or User records
Go to Admin -> Document Settings
At the bottom set “VCard Will Create User or Contact?” to User or Contact
Select the User or Contact creation process for “Process to Start After Importing VCard”
You might want to create a special process for creating a user or a contact that just captures the information you need to import from the .vcf file. In that process, you might also consider setting defaults for other system fields in the processes (for example, User Role)
Note that if you create a User, an associated Contact record will also be created
Expose the Documents tab in the Top Level Navigation bar
If you plan to allow people with User Roles other than Administrator to create users/contacts from a .vcf file, then you’ll need to expose the Documents tab. Do this by going to Admin - Top Level Navigation Bar/Search - Tabs. Slide Documents up from “disabled tabs” to “enabled tabs.” To enable the Documents tab by user role, go to Users - Actions - Edit User Roles (Permissions). Select the user type and choose Documents as a Viewable Navigation Tab.
Creating a User or Contact record from a .vcf file:
Go to Documents - Actions - Create a New Document to upload the .vcf file. Set the Document Type to “Virtual Contact Card.
On the document profile, go to Actions -> Create Contact from Virtual Contact Card.
The relevant User or Contact create process will launch with information copied over from the .vcf file.