Zapier Integration

Purpose: Link LegalServer’s APIs to other applications using Zapier as a No-Code solution to connect the platforms.

Cost: $750 one-time setup fee and $100 per month for the Premium APIs. This includes 5000 API calls from Zapier in a given month.

Zapier serves as a no-code platform to connect various Apps together. You can use it to connect apps with actions in LegalServer.

Once your organization has paid for the integration, LegalServer will share the LegalServer Zapier App with someone at your organization. LegalServer’s Zapier App is currently in Private Beta.

LegalServer Configuration

Prepping your LegalServer site for configuration with Zapier requires two things:

  1. An API User Role and User account using the permissions you expect to need.

  2. Creating a Personal Access token for that user.

Actions Currently Available in Zapier:

  • Create Case Note

  • Create User Note

  • Online Intake Import (must work with an Online Intake site and will then transfer a Pending Intake to a Destination site)

  • Create User

  • Create Case/Matter

  • Create Case Charge

  • Create Case Litigation

  • Lookup Charges

These are all based on LegalServer’s APIs. Additional LegalServer API endpoints can be added on a case by case basis.