TABS for Lessons

As of January 2019, I have been in possession of a copy of Guitar Pro 7. I am trying to create more "professional" looking TABS for ALL of my future lessons. However, it may take me some time to get good at this. As for now, the TABS will show the correct notes and such, but don't try to use them to figure anything out musically. For now, I will print the TABS, scan them, and then post them as I have always done. For those of you who have Guitar Pro 7, let me know and I can send you the program files. However, don't expect them to be that great when you play them back. I am getting better at this though!

My TAB "Philosophy"

I have noticed that many people seem to rely way to much on guitar TAB. It is nice to have as a secondary resource, but should not become the only way that you learn something on the guitar - especially for this kind of music.

I think you should learn the licks note-for-note as a way to understand the possibilities on the guitar. It is much more important for you to pay attention and follow the lessons - using the TAB only when you really need it.

Just learning licks and phrases note-for-note and then trying to play them is a good start. But, you need to take what you learn here - or anywhere else - and figure out your OWN way of playing it. To do that, you need to understand how and why the licks from the old records are played the way they are - the "logic" of it. Then you can use the same "logic" to create your own music!

So, think about what you are learning and understand it rather than just using the TAB to mimic what you hear. Instead, use the TAB when you need it to figure out more complex single string runs or unfamiliar licks.