Slim Harpo (his guitar players)

Slim Harpo (1924-1970) was a harmonica player and vocalist who recorded some of the all-time, most cool, electric blues songs of the 1960s. From what I've read, he played rhythm guitar during his live shows, but used session guitarists when recording for Excello. One of the guitarists was named Rudy Richard. Guitar Gable played on some of his earlier recordings made in the late 1950s.

Whoever it was playing on these records was definitely very cool. It sounds like two guitarists working together in the same manner as the guys at Chess and King. Great stuff here!

My Top 10 Favorite Slim Harpo Tunes!

(1)Mohair Sam

(2) Mailbox Blues

(3) Tip on In

(4) Scratch My Back

(5) Ti-na-ni-n-nu

(6) Bobby Sox Baby

(7) Good Thing

(8) Don't Start Crying Now

(9) Got Love If You Want It

(10) Keep What You've Got