Muddy Waters

Muddy Waters (1913-1983) - Muddy was one of the greatest urban blues singers of the late 20th century, but he was also a fantastic guitar player. Muddy's electrified bottleneck took traditional country/acoustic blues and gave it a raw power that has rarely been captured on record. Muddy used his bottleneck on an electric guitar set-up with heavy strings (.12 on high E). He played in both Open G tuning and standard tuning.

My Favorite Muddy Waters Tunes

(1) Long Distance Call

(2) My Love Strikes Like Lightning

(3) I Feel Like Going Home

(4) Hoochie Coochie Man

(5) Honey Bee

(6) You Can't Lose What You Ain't Never Had

(7) Stuff You Gotta Watch

(8) Streamline Woman

(9) Louisiana Blues

(10) That Same Thing