Guitar Slim

Eddie "Guitar Slim" Jones (19263-1959) was one of the great guitar players, singers, and showmen of the 1950s. Recording for New Orleans' Specialty label, Slim made some of the best blues recordings of the decade. In 1954, his "Things I Used To Do" became a million seller and #1 hit on the nation's R&B charts.

Slim's trademark sound featured his distorted electric guitar runs and gospel-influenced vocals. Slim played a Les Paul Gold Top. Slim was known as a wild and entertaining live performer as well -- employing a 350 ft. guitar chord which enabled him to play while strolling amongst the crowd or even into the streets outside the club. He also used a capo that allowed him to use the E-Position w/open strings - in the keys of F and Bb! You cannot play Guitar Slim licks without the capo!!!!

An alcoholic, slim died in 1959 after less than 10 years of playing and recording.

My Favorite Guitar Slim Songs

(1) If I Should Lose you

(2) Something To Remember You By

(3) Sufferin' Mind

(4) Certainly All

(5) Things That I Used To Do

(6) You Got To Reap What You Sow

(7) Letter To My Girlfriend

(8) It Hurts To Love Someone

(9) Guitar Slim Boogies (1-3)

(10) Trouble Don't Last