Otis Rush

Otis Rush (1935- Present) - Otis Rush is one of the most influential blues guitar players of the 1950s and 1960s. His searing single string runs and solos inspired white guitarists like Eric Clapton and Michael Bloomfield. Along with Magic Sam and Buddy Guy, Rush helped to popularize the "West Side" Chicago Blues style of the 50s and 60s.

Rush is a left-handed guitarist. He plays a left-handed guitar strung upside down. His soulful bends and creative use of chords in his solos make his style one of the most interesting of all the Chicago blues guitarists of his era. He was also a very gifted and powerful singer.

Rush made his most memorable recordings for Chicago's Cobra Label from 1956-1958 - including the powerful "I Can't Quit You Baby" in 1956.

Rush is still alive, but has not performed since suffering a stroke in 2004.

My Favorite Otis Rush Tunes:

(1) All Your Love

(2) You Know My Love

(3) Three Times A Fool

(4) Double Trouble

(5) It Takes Time

(6) I Can't Quit You Baby

(7) So Many Roads, So Many Trains

(8) Checkin' On My Baby

(9) My Love Will Never Die

(10) Groanin' The Blues