Wayne Bennett

Wayne Bennett (1931-1992) - was Bobby Bland's guitar player for many years and one of the more unsung blues guitar players of the 50s and 60s. He was fabulous!

Bennett played in standard tuning and is best known for his amazing single-string runs and fills mixed in behind Bland's powerful vocals.

I had the pleasure of being able to see BB King and Bobby Bland together at the Holiday Star Theater in Merriville, Indiana around 1984 or so. Wayne Bennett was playing guitar and that's where I really fell in love with his playing - so smooth and tasteful!

*NOTE: Bobby Bland used a number of different guitarists over the years including Pat Hare, Clarence Holliman, and others. I am trying to find some source that lists ALL the tunes featuring Wayne Bennett!

My Favorite Bobby Bland Tunes Featuring Wayne Bennett (Working on this!)

(1) Stormy Monday
