Pee Wee Crayton

Pee Wee Crayton (1914-1985) - a Texas guitar player whose style was orginally based on the playing of T-Bone Walker, but who crafted his own original and influential style. Like Walker, Crayton played single-string runs mixed with "jazzy" chords -- a style that has influenced many later guitarists. I can hear of a lot of Charlie Christian's influence in Pee Wee's early playing - especially the way he plays over the 4 & 5 chords using the scale following the 9th chord shape.

My Favorite Pee Wee Crayton Tunes

(1) Bounce Pee Wee (inst.)

(2) Blues After Hours (inst.)

(3) You Better Change Your Way of Loving

(4) Central Avenue Blues

(5) Tired of Travelin'

(6) Austin Boogie

(7) You Know Yeah

(8) Bop Hop

(9) T For Texas

(10) Poppa Stoppa (inst)